Open Resource for Children Section

Thematic Areas

Social justice is about creating an enabling environment in which every person experiences peace, personal and community development and enjoys rights as provided for by legal provisions for institutions and the administration of the common good. Children and young people who grow up with a deeper understanding of freedom and responsibility for themselves and the people they live with grow to be better citizens and stewards of God’s love to humanity.
Faith is not a one-time event. It is an everyday commitment. As people who believe in God, and as people who live with others who struggle like ourselves to live faith in everyday life, how do overcome challenges that may make us lose faith. In a world where not everyone is committed to the Kingdom of God, discouragement is a real temptation. How do we support ourselves through daily spiritual challenges?
Living in a globalized world is a blessing. We enjoy diversity in our neighborhood but also through media we experience diversity brought to us in various forms. We enjoy music from different countries. We learn sports, culture and other value-loaded programs from countries other than ours. Similarly, through media we consume content that sometimes is directly opposed to our own values. The media space can therefore create moral challenges that need discussion and often guidance to navigate through. Children need to make right choices and right decisions. This needs formation from a tender age.
The Bible is one of the main sources from which we learn about our faith. The other is tradition handed over to us by the early Christians through generations. In a secularized world, there is no shortage of misinformation and disinformation on various interpretations of the Bible. Learning to understand the Bible is a sure of standing on your feet in your faith in God.
This is a practical program that aims to develop children’s thinking capacity. As they grow into a world of economic and political competition, children who have high analytical skills, strong rhetoric skills and have a strong foundation in critical thinking will be future leaders. LCMC will organize programs that will support select children to learn basic philosophical principles to enable them not only improve their academic performance but also learn to be better debaters and therefore become formed leaders in future.